Employee Spotlight: Devon Wright

Meet Devon Wright, Global Lead of Business Operations at Acceleration Partners.
How did you end up working at Acceleration Partners?
One of my best friends, who also happened to be my college roommate, also works for Acceleration Partners. She let me know Acceleration Partners was hiring for an Operations role and encouraged me to apply. Obviously, I did and I’m grateful for her recommendation every day!
Nothing better than great friends! So, in what ways has Acceleration Partners changed the most since you started in February of 2014?
Sometimes it seems like EVERYTHING has changed, but I’d say the most dramatic change has been the size of the Acceleration Partners team. I was one of 16 people on the affiliate team when I started in 2014. We’re now more than nine times that size, with over 150 employees on the Client Service team alone.
Another major thing that’s changed is our company footprint. When I was hired, Acceleration Partners was located only in the U.S. with most of the team was in Boston. I was the first hire in Pennsylvania. We now have a large Pennsylvania hub and the entire Acceleration Partners team spans across the globe with employees in Europe, Asia, Australia and Latin America!
What hasn’t changed?
Acceleration Partners still has the most amazing company culture, one that allows its employees to live our best lives professionally and personally. I also work in a fully remote environment (admittedly sometimes in my pajamas) alongside the most talented professionals in the industry. I still love my job, that definitely hasn’t changed, even after all this time.
As Global Lead of Business Operations, what’s your favorite part of the job?
My colleagues! My unique role gives me the opportunity to work with nearly everyone in Acceleration Partners.
What are some of the major challenges of your role?
Aligned with it being a favorite aspect of my job, working across that many colleagues can also have its challenges. It’s a daily juggling act to ensure that my tasks are prioritized effectively and that I allow enough time between meetings to get it all done accurately and on time.
What do you like most about working remotely? Be honest…it’s working in pajamas isn’t it?
I will never complain about working in pajamas, but my favorite part about working remote is the lack of a daily commute. Prior to Acceleration Partners, I suffered through a 2-3 hour commute every day, sometimes even longer if I wasn’t working out of my regular office space. I hardly spent any time awake while I was home.
These days, as a mother of a very energetic three-year-old, I’m able to spend that time playing trains, reading a few books before daycare, taking a quick visit to our local park or playground before dinner, or actually making dinner before it’s bedtime!
If you could have a super power, what would it be?
Time travel. I truly love where I am today and wouldn’t give up any of it, both the good and the not so good. That being said, it would be so nice to sit at my Mom-Mom’s (grandma’s) kitchen table for a quick chat or head back to a pre-motherhood Saturday night every now and again!
Autumn is finally here! What’s your favorite part of fall?
I can’t choose one favorite part – I love it all! Cooler temperatures, all the vibrant colors of leaves, our woodstove, hooded sweatshirts, comfort foods and, of course, rooting for my favorite football team, 2018 Super Bowl Champions, the Philadelphia Eagles!
Can we still be friends even though I’m a Patriots fan?
Of course! I can’t fault you for your MA upbringing…to each their own.
To learn more about how our top-notch account team can help your brand, contact us.
This blog was updated on September 22, 2021.
Author: Tess Waresmith